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Health & Safety at Phillips

School Nurse

Our school nurse is on campus approximately once a week.

The school nurse’s job is to ensure that each child has obtained immunizations and health examinations required by the State of California. In addition, vision and hearing screenings are provided for new students. The nurse assists with the adolescent health curriculum study and serves as a member of the Pupil Study Team providing input on health and vision-related factors.

Primary first aid is provided as needed with appropriate referrals to professionals when deemed necessary.


A child may be excluded from school if all vaccinations and immunizations are not up to date and on file at the school.

Medication at School

Any student who is required to take prescribed medication during the school day may be assisted by school personnel if the district receives a written statement from the doctor detailing the method, amount and time schedules by which such medications are to be taken, and a written statement of your desire that your child be so assisted by school personnel on the approved District form available online, in doctors’ offices and at the school office.
Parents are asked to secure a separate supply of the prescription to be kept at school. This supply shall be in a properly labeled pharmacy bottle containing the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the student’s identification, name of the physician, and dosage of the medication to be given.
The requirement of a doctor’s statement cannot be satisfied merely by a prescription label. A separate detailed statement is necessary.
If non-prescribed “over the counter” medication is required by your child during school hours, your child must have a note from you stating the name of the medication, the dosage needed, and time to be taken. The student may deliver the medication and note to the school office.
AR 5141.21(a)


If your child is injured at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then call you immediately if a serious injury has occurred. If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency numbers you listed on the emergency card. Please keep your student's emergency card information current. If your child is ill or injured, they need you! 


The school does NOT provide medical insurance coverage for school accidents. This means that you are responsible for your child’s medical bills if he or she gets hurt during school activities. The school does, however, offer access to student accident insurance plans that would help pay those bills, if the student’s family elected to enroll in the insurance plan.

Information regarding the plan is sent home at the beginning of the school year. Purchase of insurance is optional, but recommended.  

School Safety Plan

Each school year, the staff and School Site Council update and revise our school safety plan. We are currently using NEMS, a national emergency management system in conjunction with other public agencies in Napa County. This system includes an emergency communication plan that will contact parents on an automated system in the event of major disaster or emergency.

We have periodic emergency drills including fire, earthquake, and shelter in place (lockdown) procedures. Please be aware that for some students these drills can produce fear and anxiety. As a staff, we welcome your assistance in reassuring students that being prepared is important but that school is a safeplace where they will be cared for by teachers, staff and parents.

In the event of a disaster/emergency, we will ask for your cooperation as we implement our safety plan which includes safeguards for releasing students at a designated safe checkpoint to parents/guardians or a student’s emergency contacts on file in our office.

Community-wide Emergency

In the event of a community emergency, please tune your radio to the following stations for information:
KVON 1140 AM or KVYN 99.3 FM

Components of health general health, movement, mental energy, food drink, sleep, motivation

NVUSD Student Wellness